Graphic Design
This is such a gigantic umbrella and I won't even try to define it. Instead, I just crammed everything in here that didn't fall under “Print Design”. Yes, I know print design falls under graphic design. But I feel like I did a lot of print design and wanted to give that a separate page. So.
Some Shirts

Shirts designed for Dickinson College
Left: Swing Dance Club (2018) / Right: Multilingual Writing Center

Some Posters

Posters designed for Dickinson College
Left: Weiss Prize Premiere (2019) / Right: Senior Seminar "In Progress"
Exhibition (2018)

Posters designed for Dickinson College & Temple University Rome
Left top: Belles Lettres Society "Poe Night" (2017) / Left bottom:
Woodcut Silkscreen Printmaking Event (2018)
Right: Launch Event for The Dickinson Review (2019)